First and Second Place Awards at A Awards Junior Go to Our Students!

20 May 2024

Students from our Advertising Workshop in the Advertising Department have won the first and second place awards in the A Awards Junior competition, organized by the Outdoor Advertising Foundation (ARVAK) and open to all communication faculties.

Congratulations to the first-place group, ‘Giderayak’, consisting of Başaran Türkmen, Birol Şahin, Tolga Demirci, Emine Nura Şahin, and Nazlıhan Abdikoğlu, and the second-place group, ‘Likha’, consisting of Filiz Kondakçı, Sultan Kenar, and Artun Er. We commend their outstanding achievements and congratulate the professors in the advertising department who mentored them.

About the competition:

The A Awards Junior competition, organized by the Outdoor Advertising Foundation, aims to encourage young talents studying in university communication faculties to use the highly effective medium of outdoor advertising in a creative and impactful way. This year, participants competed to create campaigns based on a brief from the Lenovo brand.