From our Core Program academics Dr. Lecturer Member Burak Başaranlar Her project titled “Debtors of the Republic: The Effects of the Great Depression of 1929 on Small Landowners and Social Discontent 1929-1939” has been awarded support within the scope of TÜBİTAK 3501 – Career Development Program.
This study examines the indebtedness in the agricultural sector in the market-oriented regions of Turkey after the Great Depression of 1929 through the eyes of small agricultural producers. This project proposal will allow the researcher to evaluate the role of state-building and subaltern groups through indebtedness in the agricultural sector. By offering a critical perspective to the state-centric perspective, it will analyze the increasing indebtedness in the agricultural sector, the inadequacy of credits, and the dependence of producers on moneylenders. Thus, the researcher will combine his competence in fields such as sociology, anthropology and political science with discussions in economics and economic history, and will further develop the interdisciplinary nature of his research.
We congratulate our teacher Burak and wish her success in her research.