KHAS Economics – Contemporary Debates: Prof. Dr. Ebru Voyvoda
Kadir Has Üniversitesi Ekonomi Bölümü’nün düzenlediği Contemporary Debates başlıklı serinin yeni konuğu, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi’nden Prof. Dr. Ebru Voyvoda olacak.
Prof. Voyvoda, 10 Mayıs Çarşamba saat 14:30’da B-211’de “Evaluating Wider Impacts of Transport Policies: London’s Crossrail 2 Project” başlıklı bir konuşma yapacak.
Etkinlik İngilizcedir.
Özet: This study is concerned with representing and understanding the effects of heterogeneity among different decision makers on the evaluation of alternative transport policies. To this end, we propose an integrated approach to grasp the heterogeneity among different agents and to endogenise interactions among different markets. The integrated approach comprises, first of discrete choice theory- based household residential location and transport mode choice model and a traffic equilibrium model. These two models are then embedded in an applied general equilibrium model representing characteristics of a closed urban economy. All three models run simultaneously to find equilibrium values for prices (consumption goods, housing rents, factors), consumption levels, local populations, traffic flows on the transport network and the modal split. This model is applied in London to evaluate wider (demographic, social, economic) impacts of accessibility change due to the planned Crossrail 2 project, which aims at connecting North and South London rail systems. London Travel Demand Survey (LTDS) micro-data for the year 2014 is used as the primary data source in the analysis. Model results show that rental price would increase significantly in certain boroughs where the project improves the public transport accessibility.
Konuşmacı Hakkında: Ebru Voyvoda has been a faculty member in the Department of Economics in Middle East Technical University since September 2004. She received her MS and PhD degrees in Economics at Bilkent University in 1998 and 2003, respectively. She was a post-doc researcher at the University of Utah, Department of Economics in 2003–2004.
Ebru visited the Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management Department at the Center for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim, Germany, in 2011–2012 to conduct research on the intergenerational impacts of environmental policies. In 2015–2016 she was affiliated with UNCTAD, the Division of Globalization and Development Strategies, where she worked on industrialization and structural transformation in developing economies. Her research focuses on applied modeling for policy analysis, energy-environment-economics modeling and contemporary issues in economic policy.
Organizatörler: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Gözde Çörekçioğlu İshakoğlu, Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ulaş Karakoç