Anasayfa » Two Articles by KHAS Theatre Department for “Terzopoulos Tribute Delphi”
Two Articles by KHAS Theatre Department for “Terzopoulos Tribute Delphi”
20 December 2021
In the book prepared in honor of the world-famous director Theodoros Terzopoulos, the articles of two of KHAS Theatre Department faculty members were published: “The Reception of Theodoros Terzopoulos’ Works in Turkey” by Prof. Dr. Dikmen Gürün, and “The Idea of the Tragic in Alarme / Amor / Encore” by Asst. Prof. Özlem Hemiş.
Terzopoulos Tribute Delphi, published by Theater der Zeit, a prestigious publishing house known for its books in theater, consists of the texts of artists and academics personally invited by the artist.