Anasayfa » New Project Support from the Swedish Consulate General in Istanbul
New Project Support from the Swedish Consulate General in Istanbul
23 February 2022
It is our distinct pleasure to announce that “e-Gen Module (Equality Generation Module) for Young Men at High Schools”, the project coordinated by Dr. Nurseli Yeşim Sünbüloğlu from KHAS Department of Core Academics, has been funded by the call of the Swedish Consulate General in Istanbul for 2022 projects. The project will be carried out in collaboration with the Critical Studies of Men and Masculinities (ICSM).
The proposed project, entitled “e-Gen Module (Equality Generation Module) for Young Men at High Schools” involves preparation of a module with a Critical Masculinity Studies perspective targeting young men at high schools, video animations and posters. These materials will be prepared for the use of psychological counseling and guidance (PCG) teachers in high schools; therefore, the project primarily aims to empower PCG teachers.
The project outputs – module, video animations and posters – will be open access on the project website.
We congratulate our faculty member for this achievement and wish her success.