Anasayfa » KHAS Advertising Students Received Second Prize from A Awards Junior
KHAS Advertising Students Received Second Prize from A Awards Junior
23 November 2021
KHAS student teams “TepeTaklak” (Filiz Kondakçı, Yalım Cinisli, İlayda Parlak and İrem Ayyıldız), and “Grup Çapraz” (Zeynep Sıla Karataş, Tuba Tarık, İlayda Su Güner, Mustafa Berk Alkoç and Afra Gülcegün) made it to the finals in the Junior Category of the A Awards Outdoor Advertising Competition organized by the Outdoor Advertising Foundation (ARVAK).
Our groups made their final presentations on November 12, and received feedbacks from the jury. The results, which all the participants had been waiting for a long time, were announced and “TepeTaklak” won the the second prize!
We congratulate all the teams participating in the competition, and wish them success.