Anasayfa » ‘Good DEEDs: Digital Energy Efficiency Designers’ Project Set to Work
‘Good DEEDs: Digital Energy Efficiency Designers’ Project Set to Work
12 January 2022
The Erasmus+ Key Action 2 (KA226) project titled Good DEEDs: Digital Energy Efficiency Designers, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Meltem Ucal in Turkey and includes KHAS and five other institutions from Italy, Greece, Portugal, Latvia, and Romania, has set to work.
The project partners came together in Foligno, hosted by EGInA, and conferred on the work schedule and the activities.
The Good DEEDs project, which will continue for 36 months, aims to raise awareness about the impact of digital energy efficiency and carbon footprint, especially among VET students. The project aims to develop and test a methodology and a learning platform for VET teachers and students to promote a strategy for continuous and sustainable growth of skills for digital energy efficiency. With the Online Good DEEDs platform, which will support continuous education on digital energy efficiency, a series of training tools will be created for VET teachers.
10 VET teachers from Turkey will be involved in the project, aiming at least 1200 VET students to benefit from the platform. An open call will be made for the online application form for teachers to high schools.
10 vocational high school teachers from Turkey will be involved in the project, aiming at least 1200 vocational high school students to benefit from the platform. An open call will be made by mailing the online application form for teachers to high schools.
The project partners are below: * European Grants International Academy (EGInA) * Institouto Technologias Ypologistonkai Ekdeseon Diofantos (CTI) * Associacao Portuguesa De Empresas De Tecnologias Ambientais (APEMETA) * Valsts İzglitibas Satura Centrs (VISC) * Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Iasi (ISJI)