KHAS Finance Webinars – Prof. Dr. Ümit Gürün


We are very excited to host Prof. Dr. Ümit Gürün from the University of Texas at Dallas at the KHAS Finance Webinars organized by International Trade and Finance Department.   

About the Speaker: Ümit Gürün is Ashbel Smith Chaired Professor of Finance and Accounting at the University of Texas at Dallas. He received his PhD from the Michigan State University. He is a past visiting professor at the University of Texas at Austin (2010-2011) and Harvard University (2014). He is an associate editor of Management Science and a research economist at NBER. 

Professor Gürün’s research focuses on various issues in empirical asset pricing and corporate finance, including the impact of financial media and advertising on asset prices. He is particularly interested in the ways that networks affect firm values and investor portfolio allocation. His research has been published in top journals, including ScienceJournal of FinanceReview of Financial StudiesJournal of Financial EconomicsJournal of Accounting ResearchManagement Science, and Harvard Business Review

His recent research relates to the effects of patent litigation on corporate innovation. In this vein, he has been awarded a National Science Foundation grant to investigate the impact of patent litigation policy on innovation outputs. He received distinguished associate editor awards from Management Science five times between 2015 and 2020 and an outstanding referee award from the Review of Financial Studies. Finally, his research has also attracted attention in the popular press, citing FortuneInstitutional Investor, and Economist

The webinar will be in Turkish.

Date: June 14, 2021 (Monday), 17.00 (GMT+3)    
Title: Are ESG ratings useful for asset allocation decisions? Why, why not?  
Zoom Meeting ID: 875 4610 4275
Zoom Link:

Public Online Colloquium #34: Prof. Dr. Banu Manav

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