About Coronavirus (COVID-19)

18 September 2020

Due to the global COVID-19 outbreak, educational activities at our University will continue in the Spring Semester of the 2020-2021 Academic Year according to the following principles:

• Theoretical courses and practical trainings will be held remotely and digitally.

• Final exams will be conducted digitally.

• Master and doctorate thesis defense exams, PhD qualifying exams, master and doctorate thesis proposal and monitoring meetings, applications and project studies related to ongoing thesis works will continue to be organized online.

• If the students in their graduation year take an applied course again, which they had previously taken during the pandemic period in the digital environment, they will be entitled to enroll in that course for free.

• Students who want to do internship and have arranged the internship institution will do their internship within the scope of the institution’s internship application (on-site or online internship).

• Students who have not arranged an internship placement and are not yet in graduation status will do their internship at the end of the summer or later in the semester via on-site or online internship methods.

• Students who have not arranged an internship placement but are in graduation status will be assigned an internship work/assignment that requires an up-to-date industry review in the form of a practical research assignment; the final internship report will include at least the minimally required number of internship days.

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